Book of lyrics and poetry:::

Thick Time
_Lyrics & Poetry by Ula Martyn-Ellis
_Illustrations by Clara Chowanietz

selection of co-authored lyrics with Laura Totenhagen:::

Exploring The Space Behind Eyeballs
comp. Laura Totenhagen
Climb Into My Brain
_Of Cabbages and Kings
comp. Laura Totenhagen

Climb Into My Brain

If you could only climb into my brain,
surely oh’s and ah’s would leave your lips.

If you took a walk and looked around,
surely, you would get me.

Welcome to my mess,
I use my trash to guide me through the day.
Paper piles, 32 tabs and memories in tiny boxes.

Alas, if you climbed into my brain,
could you make sense of what you’d find?

Let me leaf through, dog-ear a page or two,
scratch notes in the margin.
Highlight, underline, annotate,
Place footnotes for between the lines.
Let me clean up in here.

Now, if you could only climb into my brain.
But here we are and solid bones and skin won’t let you in.

What oh’s and ah’s leave my lips,
as I start to understand.
I have rendered myself,
to myself,
an open book:

Now ready to be shared.

selection of lyrics written for Christoph Hillmann:::

comp. Christoph Hillmann


Deep in our subconscious,
the unspoken word seeks solace.

A place where secrets nest and
feed on raw thought;
Where contemplation ends in
frustrated pause;
Where the enigmatic
Riddles of the mind
Twist and tangle,
Never to be solved.
There is a place where all the
Words we fail to speak
Ripen over time.

I bite my tongue.

I bite my tongue, just
Once I long to be the
One to
Speak my
True mind.

Intentions cloud my throat,
And make me choke.
Syllables stumble.
I admit defeat,
How naive to believe
In sweet release.
These words will have to wait.

On the shape of the lips,
On the silent sigh
And the subtle smile.
How enlightening the eyes,
They have tales to tell
And songs to sing, of

Words disguised
In plain sight
Pressure builds,
Burning, bursting
To escape
From the cage
Of our own make.

Solid walls surround the prisoners of
Speechlessness and shame;
For ever overwhelmed.
There is a place where all the
Words we fail to speak
Ripen over time.

I bite my tongue.

I bite my tongue, just
Once I long to be the
One to
Speak my
Tired mind.

The fabric of all thought,
Words mature and evolve,
And gently sway
Our nervous ways.

Words we thought obsolete
Finally will be understood.